This function, by default, regularizes the total deformation field to produce a
a constrained diffeomorphic mapping. Full custom parameters are possible
by passing the same parameters that one would pass to antsRegistration
xrayMotionCorrect(fixed, moving, totalSigma, flowSigma, regIterations = c(50, 50, 10), ...)
fixed | fixed target image |
moving | image to map to the fixed space |
totalSigma | regularization for total deformation field |
flowSigma | regularization for update deformation field |
regIterations | deformable registration iterations / multi-resolution parameters |
... | parameters to pass to antsRegistration |
deformed image
library( magrittr ) i1 = ANTsRCore::ri( 1 ) %>% ANTsRCore::resampleImage( 4 ) i2 = ANTsRCore::ri( 2 ) %>% ANTsRCore::resampleImage( 4 ) reg = xrayMotionCorrect( i1, i2 )